Vacation Death Hike


It’s all fun and games until someone suggests a hike.  Not a proper hike.  Just a leisurely hour-long stroll to a beautiful vista described by the internet (which never lies) as “easy-to-moderate” and “good for kids.”  It turned out to be a 5-hour death trek through shoe-sucking muddy bog pits and tree root-infested trails then up a sheer cliff face to the most beautiful view…wait…no view?  Oh, that’s right.  When my friends and I finally reached the top of Evil Mountain or Death Climb Hill or Snapped My Ankle Bluff or whatever it was called, we looked around for our photo op and this is what we saw:

IMG_2707Cockblocked by trees!  Don’t believe the trail was that bad?  See Exhibits A and B below:

IMG_2670 IMG_2674At the top of the mountain we came across three other hikers sitting on a rock, happily chatting while eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Not a drop of sweat on them.  My friends and I quietly plotted to rob them of their food and water but they gave us directions back down so we let them escape unmolested.

We did see one kid up there.  He was crying.

I have never been so happy to see a parking lot in my life.

The Weekend is Here…or Armageddon


The sky in these pictures may look mild but about 30 minutes after I took them, ominous dark clouds moved in, turning the sky a grayish yellow – signalling to New Yorkers that they had better get their asses inside ASAP unless they enjoyed being fried by bolts of lightning.  It turned out to be quite a wild storm!  Hopefully it’s the last one of the holiday weekend because I’ve got some hiking to do.

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IMG_2576Enjoy Memorial Day weekend everyone!

Short Work Week, Long Weekend, Happy Monday!


Happy Monday!  Today I am willing to put up with Monday because:

1) I have these gorgeous peonies scenting my home


2) I had a really good run this morning and this is what I saw

IMG_0061 IMG_0060_23) my office will close at noon on Friday, and

4) Memorial Day weekend will be spent in the country with friends, dogs and martinis.  Looking forward to sharing those pics with you next week!

Southpoint Park on Roosevelt Island


It was supposed to be pouring rain this morning so when I woke to clouds and wind but no rain, I decided to take Monkey for a long walk down to Southpoint Park.  At the southernmost tip of the park is the FDR/Four Freedoms Memorial but dogs are not allowed so we had to skip that part.  No matter, because Southpoint Park is gorgeous right now – and there are baby geese!  One fluffy gosling came running out of the bushes and tried to attack the rear wheel of a baby stroller.  I ended up with a great shot of Monkey in the fallen cherry blossoms — she is a wily photo subject so that was a real accomplishment!

Monkey on Roosevelt Island May 2014Laboratory in Southpoint Park, Roosevelt Island, May 2014Door of Lab, Southpoint Park, Roosevelt Island, May 2014Southpoint Park, Roosevelt Island, New York City, May 2014IMG_2455IMG_2472IMG_2487IMG_2447Have a great weekend y’all!


Central Park in May


It was perfect walking weather today so after work I traded my heels for flip flops and took a meandering scenic path home through Central Park.  The park was full of runners, cyclists and baseball teams, with only a handful of tourists mixed in.

Everything in the park is so green right now that even with an overcast sky I was still able to capture the colors.  I think I dig the last shot of a tree trunk the most.

Moral of the story: take the long way home!

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